About our reporting
By combining Medicare FFS data with our linked, de-identified commercial claims and clinical data set, we have unprecedented breadth and depth of data to provide insights on the quality of care in the United States. We’re offering a fresh look at what these quality measures tell us.
Reporting themes
Our measure reports focus on two themes. One focuses on whether the processes we measure impact the outcomes that matter. Are process measures, like rates of HbA1c testing, highly correlated with the expected markers of good patient outcomes, such as fewer long-term complications?
Our second report focuses on the initial transition between commercial insurance and Medicare, which can now be measured with integrated commercial and Medicare data — both FFS and Medicare Advantage.
Are people who are moving into Medicare experiencing changes in quality health care and outcomes? Better understanding this transition could help payers and providers address potential quality gaps for patients during this period.
View our reports
We offer a starting point for health care stakeholders to examine these two themes by summarizing a few starter insights from the results. Our interactive reports then offer more insights to inform health care quality and policy discussions and spur more research.
Comparing Processes and Outcomes
There are many measures that focus on process, or tasks that doctors and patients are supposed to do. But which measures really make health better? We provide a lens to explore this question with 11 process and outcomes measures for diabetes.
You may access the interactive report on your own or via a starter insight we provide on each report overview page highlighted below.
Transition to Medicare
Little is known about how quality of care, particularly for conditions requiring highly coordinated care, is impacted as people transition from commercial insurance to Medicare. We explore this area by looking at diabetes quality and measures of hospitalization and harm.
You may access the interactive report on your own or via a starter insight we provide on each report overview page highlighted below.
Report information
Read more to better understand our report, including data sources, measures, methodology and more.